Health and Safety

Visual Standards

Welcome to the United Living

This induction is in place to achieve our safety aspirations it is more important than ever that we continually promote and challenge our standards and projects.

Our minimum levels we expect to see on all United Living sites and offices can be seen in Visual standards, and by following these consistent standards we will improve the health, safety, environment and wellbeing of all who visit and work on our projects.

By achieving these, you are demonstrating your commitment to ensuring your work is a credit to the business, and that we are first choice for our customers.

They site rules must be adhered to at all times, on all sites, where practicable and further information can be found on United Way. If, however, in the unlikely circumstance you feel they cannot be achieved, you must come to an agreement with your company and complete RAMs challenge to re-evaluate how best to progress.

I am personally enthusiastic and proud of these our standards taken from our projects, and I would like encourage you all to keep raising the bar and to thank you in advance for setting a new industry benchmark for all to follow.


Stuart Laird
Chief Operating Officer

Site Working Hours

Visual Standards

Please ensure you know who you are working for prior to arrival

Working hours are set at site but prior to the start of the day you should receive a daily brief from your supervisor.

Not all our sites have on site parking please think of our neighbours and reducing emissions by use of public transport?

You are part of the Team

Please let your Supervisor know first if you need help

Don’t take chances

Stop – Think – Act before any activity!

Visual Standards

Site Layout and Communication

Visual Standards

Please check the Hazard Board

Daily briefs by supervisors.

Safety meetings held on site.

We operate an open door policy

Site Layout and Communication

Close Call - Good Call

Please Report - Don’t walk by.

Why report Close Calls?

You owe it to your workmates to point out an unsafe act or condition.

How would you feel if you ignored it and someone got hurt?

Visual Standards

Health and Safety Emergency

Visual Standards

Fire and emergency procedures will be explained on site:

Fire Assembly Point

First Aid facility

Emergency Spill Kits

If in doubt Shout!!

Please report all accidents immediately no mater how small, any concerns to UL manager

Site Equipment To be Worn


Visual Standards


Visual Standards

Considerate Constructors

United Living is an ‘Associate member’ of the Considerate Constructors Scheme and therefore follows the approved code of practice:

  • Care about Appearance

    Constructors should ensure sites appear professional and well managed.

  • Respect the Community

    Constructors should give utmost consideration to their impact on neighbours and the public.

  • Protect the Environment

    Constructors should protect and enhance the environment.

  • Secure everyone's Safety

    Constructors should attain the highest levels of safety performance.

  • Value their Workforce

    Constructors should provide a supportive and caring working environment.

Visual Standards

Help Us By

1. Housekeeping - Ensure ALL Walkways and work areas are clear and free of rubbish, materials and tools, always use the designated walking routes.

2. Working at Height – Always pre-plan work that involves working at height to get the right access equipment, involve those doing the tasks, ensure that access and the work area provides a safe place to work. 

3. Scaffold – Do not tamper with or alter scaffolding; see your supervisor or UL Site Manager to arrange this for you.

4. RAMS – get to know and understand your Method Statement and Risks Assessments for the task and only perform tasks that you are confident,  trained and competent to do:


5. Pre Start - Ensure that you get involved in the Daily Safety Brief to understand any changes or specific risks for that day.

6. PPE – Always wear the minimum PPE, you will be told what this is at your induction, and ensure you know and use any additional PPE for the tasks you are doing.

7. Permits – There are high risk activities, e.g. Temporary works, Hot Work and breaking ground, that require a permit, (you will be told what these are in your induction) do NOT work without a valid permit.

8. Environment - Ensure you dispose of waste in accordance with the site requirements explained at induction, report and clear up spillages as soon as practical, using the appropriate spill response equipment.

9. Health - Make sure you know the health risks for the tasks that you are doing and the precautions that you need to take. Know and understand your COSHH assessments.

10. Report ALL accidents, incidents and anything that may concern you immediately to your supervisor and UL site manager.

11. Site Specific (Project/Contract/Site Manager to decide)

Health and Safety

Everyone is Responsible for Safety

Visual Standards

Lets take a walk