Garden Fork

Digging Garden Fork
Digging Garden Fork
Fork Digging
Digging Fork
Code 99/12G
Item Garden Fork
Weekly £3.27

Online Price: Not available in branches

All rates exclude VAT and Damage Waiver

Ideal for breaking up hard or compacted soil and for working in compost or manure into the soil.

The Garden Fork is used similarly to a spade, but in many circumstances it is more appropriate than a spade: the tines allow the implement to be pushed more easily into the ground and when opening the earth does less damage to worms and soil than a spade.

Whilst we work to ensure that product information on our website is correct and up to date, on occasion we may supply a similar product by another manufacturer.

Eye Protection Required Hand Protection Required Foot Protection Required Item Can Be Transported By Car Available For Collection From Branch Available To Order Online Order By Phone 0345 604 5337
Code 99/12G
Item Garden Fork
Weekly £3.27

Online Price: Not available in branches

All rates exclude VAT and Damage Waiver